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By Age 35, You should be Smart Enough to Realize this

  1. Stay Silent. Not everything needs to be said.
  2. Silence is better than unnecessary drama.
  3. If you find someone smarter than you, work with them, don't compete.
    • Competition is a weakness.
  4. The family you create is more important than the family you come from
  5. Your current job doesn't care about you. They only pay you enough to kill your dreams.
  6. Free yourself from society's advice, because most of them have no idea what they are doing.
  7. Most people drift through life.
    • They have no purpose, no direction, and zero intent.
    • Learn their needs. Lead them.
  8. It's better to have 1 friend who's:
    • Happy for you
    • Supports your win
    • Encourages your dreams
    1. Than a bunch of acquaintances who are:
    • Lazy
    • Self-centered
    • Jealous of your success
  9. You will be 10x happier if your forgive your parents and stop blaming them.
  10. No one will ever come to save you. Your life is 100% your responsibility.
  11. Your inner circle should be more focused on money, success, and starting a family.
  12. You don't need 100 self-help books. All you need is actions and self-discipline.

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