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25 Sentences that will 10X your productivity (if you apply them)

  1. The quality of your sleep, diet and exercise will determine your energy levels.
  2. Write down your top 3 priorities every day.
  3. If it takes less than 2 minutes - do it now.
  4. Turn off all non-emergency notifications.
  5. If rest increases your output per unit time, then it was productive.
  6. If its not on your calendar - it probably wont happen.
  7. Carefully curate your information diet.
  8. Eight hours of sleep > any supplement stack.
  9. If you are procrastinating on something -- make a deal to work on it for just 2 minutes.
  10. Set a "No internet" window of time during the week.
  11. If you dont plan your time, someone else will.
  12. Review your goals weekly, if not daily.
  13. Consume educational content at 1.5x speed--studies show there is little drop in retention rate.
  14. For every hour of learning, spend an hour applying.
  15. The longer you put off a task--harder it becomes.
  16. Work is a lot easier when you make it enjoyable.
  17. Easy ways to make work enjoyable: Make a work playlist, light a candle, plantime for distraction.
  18. You will never regret taking a walk outside.
  19. Plan time to "do nothing"--your best ideas will come when you give your brain space.
  20. If you are a psycho (like me)--keep your phone in grayscale mode.
  21. Struggling to do something--remove all other options--do the task, or do nothing at all.
  22. 1% improvement every day for a year = 37 times better.
  23. Make "Do Not Disturb" mode your default.
  24. If its not a "hell yes"-- its a no.
  25. Productivity is not about getting more things done--its about making time for the things that really matter in your life.

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