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27 Sentences that will get you ahead of 97% of people in their 20's


1. Idea means Nothing (Zero)

Execution is the only thing that matters. It's not what you thought about doing, it's about what you did.

2. Journaling is the most timeless & priceless form of therapy that will help  you think clearly, understand yourself better & make better sense of life.

3. Never let anyone get comfortable with disrespecting you.

4. Be selfish with your time. A lot of people don't deserve it.

5. Share your progress, not your goals, and you will always be motivated.

6. Every second you spend comparing your life to someone else's is a second spent wasting yours; so stop comparing and create your own definition of success instead.

7. Smile often. Smile so much others think you exist in a world of optimism and positivity. Because you do.

8. You grow rich when you seek new experiences, not material things.

9. Learn to say NO, Respect your time and energy. Don't be so nice that you "yes man" yourself into not having space or time for yourself.

10. There's a difference between being patient and wasting your time.

11. You spend your entire life inside of your head, make it a nice place to be.

12. In today's digital-first world, the greatest skill you can leverage is the power of focused attention, and the way to build it is through daily meditation.

13. You have to believe in yourself before anyone else does. That's the cornerstone upon which real confidence is built.

14. If you can't find a good person, be one.

15. Stay curious, question everything, and if you want something, ask for it.

16. The life you experience is simply a reflection of your mindset.

17. Consistency > Intensity.

18. You don't only live once; you live multiple lives within one.

19. Master your emotions. A calm mind can handle every Strom.

20. Don't be lazy. Do the work. You won't grow from easy.

21. You will never lose, if you never quit.

22. There's a big difference between people who are smart and people who get good grades.

23. Money comes and money goes in life, but time only moves in one direction.

24. Keep your standards high and don't settle for something just because it is available.

25. Never expect to get back what you give or you will always be disappointed.

26. Accept people for who they are and not who you want them to be.

27. The best revenge is no revenge. Improve yourself and forget they exist.

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