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21/90 Rule !!!


  1. Get quality sleep (between 7 and 9 hours).
  2. Wake up early.
  3. Exercise for 45 min daily preferably early in the morning.
  4. Drink a lot of water .
  5. Meditate.
  6. Have a proper grooming routine.
  7. Read books especially when travelling in public transport.
  8. Smile.
  9. Learn new skills everyday.
  10. Eat healthy.
  11. Avoid eating sugary,oily, processed food.
  12. Spend more time with your family.
  13. Explore the world around you.
  14. NEVER procrastinate.
  15. Never compare yourself with others.
  16. Learn new languages . Trust me it is going to help you.
  17. Never fall for fake news.
  18. Never be too religious.
  19. Help others.
  20. Drink green tea over coffee or tea.
  21. Avoid social media as much as possible.
  22. Never discuss your next plan with colleagues.
  23. Avoid bad habits.
  24. Avoid porn. it is just a distraction.
  25. NEVER get into a relationship until a goal has been reached.
  26. Visit an orphanage,autistic school and an old age home. You will know what life really is.
  27. And finally NEVER UNDERESTIMATE your abilities.

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