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14 Short Habits that have a massive return on Life

1. Write things down. Don't try to remember everything. The brain is notorious for forgetting ideas.

2. Plan intentional breaks in-between focus work, it will help you recover and recharge for the next task.

3. Begin your day with the end in mind. Focus on a few high-priority tasks at a time.

4. Drink at least a glass of water first thing in the morning to improve gut and brain health.

5. Make walking a daily or weekly habit. Its the easiest and healthiest form of exercise to improve mental clarity and self-awareness.

6. Track your habits that take away the biggest chunk of your time and do more of what's working and less of what's a time to time.

7. Practice the one-tab rule. Use a single browser tab when you are working. It minimizes web distractions so you can stay in a single task.

8. Finish your day on purpose by writing down the priorities for tomorrow. It's a better way to start the day without wasting cognitive energy planning.

9. Start a weekly review - what worked well? where did you get stuck? what can you improve? what should you stop doing? what caused you to stress?

10. Be intentional about how you read the news - filter your sources and stay with credible ones that focus on just the important information.

11. Don't say yes when you really want to say no. Defend your time like your progress depends on it because it does.

12. Invest in a hobby outside work that makes you happy, boosts your mental clarity, and leads to a fulfilling life.

13. The world's most successful people are always learning - be deliberate about how you feed your brain. Choose your knowledge sources carefully.

14. Three things in life - Your health, your mission, and the people you love. That's it.

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